History of ASKE
A Brief History of the Fighting Socialist Party of Greece (ASKE).

The Fighting Socialist Party of Greece (ASKE) was founded in February 1984
The majority of ASKE's founding members are ex-members of the Organizational Committee of PASOK, who resigned their party positions immediately following the 1981 elections (which brought PASOK to power), having protested PASOK's complete post-elections about-face regarding its electoral platform. Their opposition found expression in Nikos Kargopoulos' counter-speech at PASOK's Central Committee in the summer of 1983 and led to the said members's expulsion/resignation.
These members, along with other individuals from the broader left and progressive part of the political spectrum, founded the Socialist Movement, which developed into ASKE in February 1984.
ASKE's central theses are the struggle for independence from any foreign power center, including the European Union and NATO--both of which have already cast their masks--and Socialism, which can only be based on self-management, complete respect for human and political rights and Democracy.
It has been an uphill struggle for ASKE, as its refusal to compromise has caused all pillars, either direct or indirect, of the status quo to prevent ASKE's voice from being heard.
History of ASKE